Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mulholland drive Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mulholland drive - Movie Review Example thor that the reader will gain a more informed and realistic understanding of the mechanisms through which film the noir is presented; even within current film that has seemingly long forgotten the impact for importance of such a genre. Even though the film in question is one that is relatively new, it exhibits many of the same historical realities that early film noir helped to illustrate; thereby making it worth reviewing and understanding to a more full and complete degree. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, Mulholland Drive presents the viewer with a strong and dynamic fin that fit all; within the character of Naomi Watts. The seething, dark, mysterious, and partially â€Å"unknowable† character that is presented to the viewer defines this film perhaps more than any other aspect that will be discussed within this brief analysis. Although it is true that strong and dynamic female leads exist in a litany of different films, the way in which Naomi Watts’ character is portrayed is specifically done as a matter of evoking an understanding of the dynamic femme fatale that was so prevalent and widely used during the heyday of the film noir era. Further, the heavy use of flashbacks and the narrated storyline that is presented at various stages throughout the film, not only helps to further the film noir aspects of Mulholland Drive, it also reinforces the Expressionism that is seen throughout the various points of the movie. Whereas many of the critics panned this particular movie due to the fact that it was too much a deviation from standard filmmaking, what they were noticing was the fact that the Expressionism used within the film was so strong and evocative that it helped to craft the story and build the suspense. A common core element of early film noir was the level and extent to which German Expressionism was referenced with regards to the development of the plot or the individual scene composition; as such, Mulholland Drive does not disappoint with

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana Essay Example for Free

The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana Essay In 2010 an estimated 443,000 people died prematurely from smoking tobacco or exposure to secondhand smoke, and another 8. 6 million live with a serious illness caused by smoking. Despite these risks, approximately 46. 6 million U. S. adults smoke cigarettes. Alcohol use last year led to 14,406 alcoholic liver disease deaths and 23,199 other alcohol related deaths excluding accidents and homicides. Alcohol Use, 2009) Despite these alarming statistics, these substances remain legal and socially acceptable while marijuana, which has never killed anyone anywhere, is illegal, remains classified as a stage one controlled substance, which likens it to killer drugs such as LSD, and heroin, both so lethal you could die with a single use. Why is it socially acceptable to use substances, which kill thousands a year while a plant that is practically a miracle drug remains portrayed as one of the most dangerous substances, known to man? In this paper, we will look at the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana the financial impact as well as the effects it would have on industry. We will also look at social impact caused by legalizing marijuana can it be socially acceptable. Alcohol and tobacco continually kill people by the thousands and yet remain legal, why then is marijuana, a drug that has never killed a single person still illegal. The declaration of independence and the constitution of the United States of America are written on hemp paper there were even laws on the subject of marijuana before that. America’s first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia in 1619 it ordered all farmers to grow Indian hempseed there were several other must grow laws over the next 200 years. You would be imprisoned for not growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia between 1763 and 1767, and during that time hemp was legal tender you could even pay your taxes with hemp. The United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp plantations growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton (Census of population and housing, 1850). The American people have been using marijuana since before we were the mighty nation we are today in fact Americans have been consuming all types of narcotics for many years cocaine and opium used to be available for purchase over the counter. Marijuana is a dry, shredded green and brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves derived from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa the main active biochemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for short (The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2010). People have been using marijuana for many different things throughout history it has over a thousand uses from making fabric and ropes to helping sick people regain their appetite yet in our society, it remains illegal. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug. According to the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an estimated 104 million Americans aged 12 or older have tried marijuana at least once in their lifetimes, representing 41. 5% of the U. S. population in that age group (The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2010). The number of past year marijuana users in 2009 was approximately 28. 5 million (11. 3% of the population aged 12 or older) and the number of past month marijuana users was 16. 7 million (6. 6%). 2 that is a very large percentage of the population. (The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2010) These numbers clearly show that many people use and seem to like marijuana and with all of this consumption, one would think that there would be at least one reported case of a marijuana-induced fatality but there is none. Marijuana has many uses besides its chemical properties there is even a European organization dedicated to it industrial uses. Industrial hemp has many different uses; we are capable of weaving the fibers into fabric to make clothing, also pressing it into paper, or even a plastic like material that amazingly has ten times the impact strength steel. It would also replace many of the everyday medications we use, it is great for headaches or muscles pain and most upset stomach symptoms. It has also been shown to help alleviate some troubles discomfort that can occur while taking chemotherapy and when living with HIV or AIDS. Â  So much so that pharmaceutical companies have been developing synthetic types of THC hoping to corner the market but since marijuana contains more than just THC the results have not been as operant. Many people use cannabis therapeutically when they are living with HIV or AIDS but there is not enough data to show exactly how they benefit from the cannabis. Another study done using 332 young adult females from Southern New England showed that it could be used to relieve stress and tension caused by menstrual cramps and helped reduce anxiety in some. (De Dios, et al. 2010)All that is known is that it helps them have a better quality of life and that alone should be enough for people to realize that we have been misinformed, marijuana is not all bad it is just extremely misunderstood. If marijuana helps, is worthwhile and requires further examination but given the legal barriers, and the contrasting effects associated with cannabinoids and the fact that the pharmacology of naturally occurring cannabinoids in the human brain is not understood at length. Therefore, the full range of consequences of synthetic cannabinoid or marijuana use cannot be entirely anticipated and should be explored. It is hard to believe that a plant with so much usefulness would not be farmed on a massive level it is very easy to cultivate and it grows with little to no care. There is a bad side to industrializing hemp there would be money and jobs lost by the industries that hemp would replace. The textile companies would lose a lot of their business hemp makes a much stronger fabric that is much cheaper to produce, there would not need to be too many modifications made when it comes to how we farm our textiles if the cotton companies would be willing to convert they could probably do just as well. The pharmaceutical companies stand to lose the most money, the drugs that are their best sellers like antidepressants and cancer treatment drugs. It would also replace most over the counter remedies as well headaches and most stomach problems can be treated with marijuana. When using deontology rather than looking at the consequences of an act, one looks at the reason for which an act is done, and the rule according to which one chooses to act. Deontology does not dismiss that acts have consequences rather; it insists that those consequences should not play a role in our moral evaluation of such acts (Mosser, 2010). If we use a deontologist point of view when accessing the act of a terminally ill patient using marijuana to cope with pain or perhaps gain an appetite there is no question that this is the right thing to do. How about a person using marijuana recreationally it increases your sense but slows your reflexes it is healthier than smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol as long as the person is an adult who is not performing any dangerous procedures they should be fine and this act can be looked at as acceptable. Utilitarianism sometimes called the consequentialist theory because it evaluates whether an act is right or wrong relative to the act’s consequences. (Mosser, 2010) Therefore, utilitarian would look at the overall greater good and make it legal; there are some downsides as far as evenue goes but should money always be the main goal. As cash crop it is worth lots of money it can be used for much more than just it chemical properties it makes great fabric and plastics that have ten times the impact strength of steal. It vastly improves the quality of life for many cancer survivors with marijuana multiple sclerosis suffers a beginning to lead almost normal existences without fear of pain and chemo patients can eat a full meal and gain back the strength needed to survive. Would it be right to deny these people a medicine that can save their lives simply because we see it as social unacceptable? If we look at marijuana use case by case, and judge them using relativism perspective rarely will we find a case were the marijuana use is detrimental to the person using it or the surrounding society (Yacoubian, 2007). In fact, most of the bad acts associated marijuana is in the procurement of it if people had a legal way to get their marijuana, most of the crime would subside because there would no longer be a profit. There has been a comparison study done on our marijuana laws and the marijuana laws in place in the Netherlands. The United States policy towards marijuana is best viewed in two ways: first off is supply reduction, or the reduction and control of the supply of drugs through legal prohibitions, law enforcement, interdiction, sentencing, and incarceration. Secondly is demand reduction, or the reduction of the demand for drugs through education, prevention, and treatment. Yacoubian, 2007) Dutch law states that marijuana is illegal but in 1976, the Netherlands adopted a formal policy of no enforcement for violations involving the possession or sale of up to thirty grams that was later lowered to five grams in 1995 of marijuana this policy is referred to depenalization. By the mid-1980s, another rule allowed small retail outlets to sell marijuana legally this policy is referred to as de facto legalization. The retail stores are required to comply with five codes of practice: 1) sales are limited to no more than five grams per person daily; 2) no hard drugs, such as ecstasy, cocaine, or heroin, can be sold; 3) no advertising is permitted; 4) no nuisances or public disturbances are permitted; and 5) no sales to minors. In the end the findings were very interesting it seems that the increased availability of marijuana in the Netherlands only led to a slight increase in the amount of marijuana users and our laws did very little to curb use or supply (Yacoubian, 2007). So why do we continue to prosecute our people and waste thousands of dollars trying to eradicate a plant with so many pros and so few cons. Our economy is in trouble, at the end of the 2009 fiscal year our deficit came in at a record $1. 42 trillion, more than triple the record set just a year earlier and it is only getting worse. The government spends nearly 7. 7 billion dollars a year prosecuting cases and eradicating marijuana farms even with these efforts there is an estimated black market for marijuana of nearly 100 billion dollars a year. With numbers like these, the government could tax marijuana as it does alcohol and tobacco it and make an additional 6. 2 billion a year in revenues. So again using utilitarian point of view the greatest good for the greatest number is legalize and tax it. The reasons marijuana is not legal today is probably more financial and political than for the reason of keeping the public safe from a dangerous drug. If the government was truly concerned with the overall safety of the public rather than just weather or not something made money tobacco and alcohol would have been made illegal a long time ago. If a utilitarian point of view is used to evaluate whether or not tobacco should be legal based on the information provided here it would be easy to say that tobacco should be illegal it kills not only the people who use it but innocent bystanders (Mosser, 2010). There are not too many arguments for why tobacco should be legal other than that it has always been legal, it relaxes them, and it generates lots of revenue for the government and other businesses. These are not to convincing but the money generated has given the people in charge of these companies’ lots of power and they have used that power to keep marijuana illegal. Political lobbying has been a big problem when it comes to marijuana becoming legal tobacco, pharmaceutical, and alcohol companies have a lot of money and they would lose a substantial amount of their revenue if marijuana became legal. Therefore, they hire a third party to bribe and negotiate with politicians to stop possible injunctions and even have bills introduced to reduce the amount of regulations already in place. Why would the alcohol and tobacco companies want the American citizens using a drug they could grow in their backyard that does not kill you or cause dependency? The reason marijuana is illegal and will remain illegal is greed, plain and simple, the greed of man and the never-ending pursuit of the almighty dollar. The amount of money that corporate America stands to lose if people wake up and begin using marijuana in all the ways it can be is exponential. First off, most pharmaceutical companies will lose their biggest money makers, people would no longer need to use the dangerous psychoactive drugs with side effects that are sometimes worse than the original condition. Next would come all of the textile uses it can make fabric stronger than cotton, grows and process much easier and is cheaper to produce. Then there are the recreational uses why would people continue to use tobacco when it has been proven to kill when they could use something much safer without fear of prosecution. Someday the world will be in the hands of the next generation a generation of informed intelligent people who no longer accept things at face value. We will use ethics the way it is meant to be used to help people not to find ways in which to justify the controls enforced on them. Critical thinking will be put to use to solve the crises caused by years of denial and ignorance we will no longer use unsafe drugs simply because they are considered socially acceptable. Unfortunately, that day may be far away until then we can just hope for the majority of people to wake up and take a look at what the government is saying with it policies on marijuana and their polices on alcohol and tobacco. Do we want money controlling our government this does not maximize our utility the people should control policy not companies. Someday we will outlaw political lobbing and truly punish the corrupt who line their pockets with money from special interest groups who seek less regulations so that they can make a profit. We will no longer endure the injustices perpetrated against us, the sick are being giving drugs that do not really help and in most cases makes things worse. America is a global leader when it comes to human rights yet our citizens sometimes have fewer freedoms than we think. In the constitution, it states every man has the right to the pursuit of happiness for some people, happiness is relaxing with some marijuana and the right to use it should be protected. We know that tobacco and alcohol can kill you we also know that marijuana cannot so maybe it is time that we apply ethics to this issue, do the greatest good for the greatest number, and legalize marijuana.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Protection of the Environment Through Law Essay -- Environment, Po

The protection of the environment through law is unsuccessful; as the protection of the environment has just recently begun to take affect. The protection and conservation of the environment has been a concern since the 1880’s; when European settlers came to Canada, and discovered its wealth of natural resources. The protection of the environment however has just recently become the major issue that it is in today’s society. People worldwide have slowly begun to realize and become aware of the blatant destruction and deterioration of the environment and ozone. As well as the consequences and side affects, that we, as a society have created. The majority of people are just becoming aware of the frightening reality of the situation. As society becomes more informed on the issue of the environment, they too become more impatient, and feel that in the snap of fingers, the damage can be reversed and future damage can be stopped instantaneously. Because of this the government has been put into a major predicament. They have, and must continue to create laws, to protect the environment. However they cannot simply place unrealistic restrictions and limitations onto the major polluters; that are the manufacturing companies. These manufacturers emit large quantities of waste and greenhouse gases. However that is the cost of today’s society. The world needs certain commodities to function properly; like paper products, gasoline, oil and other petroleum by-products, as well as many other products that; whether we like it or not, are harmful to the environment, to make and use. Canada has done as much to protect the environment, as it has done to destroy it. Canada joined created several acts of legislation to protect the environment, as ... ... emissions and protect our natural resources, before we look to make a profit. Because once the natural resources and ozone are destroyed and gone, they are gone forever. Works Cited †¢ An Inconvenient Truth – Al Gore †¢ Critical Perspectives on Environmental Protection †¢ Global Warming Opposing Viewpoints †¢ Environmental Issues, Environmental Policy †¢ Environment Act of Canada - †¢ Canadian Environmental Protection Act - †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bright Light Therapy

Bright Light Therapy, also known as light therapy or phototherapy, is a relatively new treatment method that is still being researched to define its usage and effectiveness. Light therapy is the treatment of certain psychological disorders via exposure to bright fluorescent lights for up to four hours a day or as little as fifteen minutes a day. Light exposure is thought to regulate melatonin levels in the blood and, as such, has been most effective in treating seasonally affective disorder or SAD (Columbia 2).However, the method has been researched to treat other common disorders as well. Sleep insomnia, dementia and some forms of skin cancer are a few of the examples. Just like with any other alternative medical treatment to pharmacological methods, light therapy has come under strong critical review and its implementation has been low compared to drug therapies. History Historically, humans were not thought to be affected by seasonal changes in day length (Rohan et al 491).Because of this, currently accepted seasonal disorders such as SAD were not known in the medical field. It was not until doctors researched specific causes of depression that were known to become onset in late fall and remitted in the spring, was a connection made between time of sun exposure and depression (SLBTR. org). A new disorder, SAD had been defined and continues to be hotly debated today. Although light treatment can be dated all the way back to Aristotle, who suggested treatment for certain diseases by lying in the sun, modern methods began in the 1950’s ( Originally, light was used as a device for the removal of skin acne until research on the subject of light therapy was conducted by Dr Lewy in the 1980’s, the founder of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (slbtr. org). The first documented treatment of a person with SAD was an engineer complaining of depression that came at the same times each year. Two hours of artificial sunlight in both the morning and in the evening were administered at the first onset of depression.The treatment was deemed successful, and since then over 2,500 people have been treated for SAD as well as numerous other conditions with light therapy. Implementation and Use Light therapy is mostly thought to affect the levels of the light-sensitive hormone melatonin in the blood (Columbia. edu). It is this hormone that is responsible for day-night cycles of the body. When subjected to high levels of light the body is stimulated negatively to produce less melatonin or to â€Å"skip ahead† in its cycle. Thus, the effects of depression caused by SAD are avoided.Some of the long term effects of increased melatonin levels have also been studied with mixed results coming from treatment with light therapy. The exact implementation of the treatment varies greatly for different people. Some research has shown the most effective time of treatment to be in the waking hours or just before waking wh ile still others believe the best time to be in the evening hours just before bed. The length of time patients are exposed to the light also changes depending on how much the patient is affected or the severity of the issue.Still again, the intensity of the light can be changed according to personal comfort or need (Skjerve et al 518). The number of variables in the method of light therapy has prevented the successful study of the treatment in many instances. It is difficult to determine the correct level of treatment for conditions that in themselves have not yet been thoroughly documented. While potentially negative side effects in the use of light therapy are minimal they do still exist. Some patients experience nausea, headaches, or eyestrain/irritation. These are generally mild, though, and dissipate after just a few days (Columbia).Another, much more infrequent, effect of light therapy is a state of hyperactivity, called mania. This is typically observed in the late spring or summer months (Cancer. org). It is most easily prevented through constant supervision from the physician and proper light therapy usage. Retinal discomfort has also been reported among some patients. This can be solved through the use of special glare-reducing glasses made exclusively for the purpose of light therapy, but often times those with retinal pathologies, such as glaucoma or cataracts are excluded from studies and are therefore usually excluded from treatment as well (Columbia).Otherwise, with proper medically accepted light therapy devices the side effects are minimal. The acceptance of light therapy has been met with strong opposition. Several factors have affected the widespread use of light therapy as a method for controlling any number of disorders. The cultural stigma attached with any alternative to Western medicine has prevented many people from accepting the treatment as opposed to conventional medicine.Evidence directly linking the method to treating certain cond itions has also been spotty due to the difficulty of finding patients to research and building an experiment that would irrefutably confirm light therapy as a treatment for whatever illness was tested. Finally, the actual treatment itself has kept many people from following through with the recommended dosages. Numerous patients have been reported as quitting treatment because of the length of time commitment necessary or discomfort reported by sitting in front of a bright box for hours on end (Rohan et al, 492).Newer light therapy technologies have been developed that reduce the time required to approximately 15 minutes a day and that have various light spectra that don’t produce glare for the user, but until proper research has been conducted on all of these new methods acceptance of the treatment will remain relatively when compared to modern pharmacological medicines. Applications Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the efficacy of light therapy in treating different disorders. Dementia is a condition that has received the attention of many researchers attempting to discover its root cause and resulting treatment.The irregular sleep patterns observed among patients with dementia has been hypothesized to be corrected with bright light therapy. As explained before, the exact dosage and type of light are yet to be determined but a study by Ancoli-Israel et al measured continuous sleep activity in elderly patients in nursing homes before and after treatments of morning, evening and both morning and evening bright light therapies. A significant change in sleep patterns was exhibited by the morning/evening treatments with no statistically significant changes shown by the singular morning or evening treatments.It was suggested by the authors to increase the ambient levels of light in common areas of the nursing home in order to easily treat the symptoms of sleep disturbance exhibited in patients with mild to severe dementia. Insomnia has also been shown to be treatable with light therapy. It has been documented in treating several types of sleep disorders in patients not afflicted with dementia including delayed sleep phase type patients, advanced sleep phase syndrome and nonentrained sleep and wake disorders (Atwood 53-55).Trials have been more effective in studying the effectiveness of light therapy in patients not suffering from other psychological disorders but the same problems that exist in other studies also exist when studying general sleep disorders. The evidence presented by Ancoli-Israel et al is promising, however a meta-analysis conducted by Skjerve et al has pointed out many of the flaws in the light therapy treated dementia studies and by association many of the other studies conducted by researchers concerning light therapy. First, few of the trials were controlled, inasmuch they can be controlled according to generally accepted standards.All of the studies suffered from a small number of patients in whi ch to research and because of that experienced problems with numerous external variables affecting the results. Practicability of the treatment was not studied in any of the trials. The implementation of light therapy depends largely on the ease of use of the product and a solid body of knowledge associated with it. Proper research, with the exception of the Arconi-Israel et al trial has yet to be conducted on a large scale. Thusly, no conclusive treatment methods can be developed.Before treating for seasonal affective depression and other psychological conditions, light therapy was thought to be effective in treating skin conditions such as psoriasis or skin acne. The treatment is still used to treat patients with psoriasis with limited success but is not as widely used for patients with skin acne. The feasibility of asking people to sit in front of a light box for several hours at a time for a relatively benign issue as skin acne is pointed to as the biggest cause of the ineffecti veness of the treatment. Light therapy is, however, an accepted from of treatment for psoriasis (Psoriasis. org).The type of light in this case involves the use of ultraviolet B rays which can cause skin irritation. Treatment has to be more closely monitored than during light therapy used for SAD. Despite this, UVB rays have been shown to penetrate the skin and affect underlying skin cells, thereby slowing their growth and slowing the process of psoriasis. Light therapy is used more often for the treatment of seasonal affective depression, by far. Research for this type of use far exceeds any other method of treatment. The Society for Light Treatment and Biological Systems advocates the use of light therapy as an effective treatment for the disorder.People suffering from SAD report greatly increased amounts of daily sleep, general state of chronic depression and avoidance of social situations. While many people experience â€Å"the winter blues†, reported to be as much as thr ee times as many people as those with clinical SAD, actual SAD is an extreme level of depression that affects the daily life of those suffering from it (slbtr. org). With the first use of light therapy to treat an engineer suffering from chronic depression on an annual basis to today, light therapy has been used as a significant treatment of the psychological disorder.Unfortunately, despite the use of light therapy for the widespread treatment of SAD, concrete evidence linking it to the effective treatment of the disorder is rare. The same problems afflicting the dementia studies exist in the SAD studies. Development of an acceptable experiment, acquiring suitable patients and the relative difficulty of recording immediate results have all held back the proliferation of the treatment for treating SAD. Conclusion Light therapy, just like most other alternative medical treatments, has had difficulty in developing a solid body of evidence in support of the hypotheses that have been att ached to it.Effective treatment of SAD, some skin disorders and several types of sleep disorders have been shown to be treatable by light therapy. Dementia, other forms of depression and even cancer have been shown to be inconclusively treatable by light therapy. That does not mean, however, that light therapy is not effective in solving issues with anything other than seasonal affective disorder or sleep disorders. Problems of proper experimental method, small amounts of people tested and efficacy of the treatment have impeded light therapy clinical trials.Unfortunately, cultural roadblocks lie in the way of the widespread use of light therapy. Further research of light therapy is necessary in several fields of the subject. First, conclusive evidence of the link between light therapy and its leading treatable syndrome, SAD, is necessary. A proper, supervised and controlled clinical trial must be developed that can be accepted by the peers of those experimenting. Once that is create d, a large number of subjects must be tested in order to prevent external variables from affecting the statistical outcomes of the experiment.Once conclusive evidence is determined on the efficacy of treating SAD with light therapy, further research can be conducted in other treatments such as certain types of skin cancers. As difficult as this may seem by itself, funding is limited for most alternative medical treatments. Funding of the treatment must be acquired in order for light therapy to be proven as a compelling method of treatment. In the meantime, light therapy will continue to be used as a method of treating seasonal affective depression and several types of sleep disorders. References â€Å"ACS :: Light Therapy.† American Cancer Society :: Information and Resources for Cancer: Breast, Colon, Prostate, Lung and Other Forms. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 May 2010. . Ancoli-Israel S, Gehrman P, Martin JL, et al. 2003a. Increased light exposure consolidated sleep and strengthe ns circadian rhythms in sever Alzheimer’s disease patients. Behav. Sleep Med 1. 22-36. â€Å"Light therapy – MayoClinic. com. † Mayo Clinic medical information and tools for healthy living – MayoClinic. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 May 2010. .â€Å"National Psoriasis Foundation – Phototherapy. † National Psoriasis Foundation – National Psoriasis Foundation: Dedicated to finding a cure. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 May 2010. . Physicians, American College of Chest. ACCP Sleep Medicine Board Review 2008:Course Syllabus. 1 ed. Basel: S. Karger Publishing, 2008. Print. â€Å"Q&A on Bright Light Therapy. † Columbia University in the City of New York. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 May 2010. . Rohan, Kelly J. , Kathryn A. Roecklein, Kathryn Tierney Lindsey, Leigh G. Johnson, Robert D.Lippy, Timothy J. Lacy, and Franca B. Barton. â€Å"A Randomized Control Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Light Therapy and Their Combination for Seasonal Affectiv e Disorder. † Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 75. 3 (2007): 489-500. Print. Skjerve , Arvid , Bjorn Bjorvatn, and Fred Holsten. â€Å"Light Therapy for Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of of Dementia. † International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 19 (2004): 516-522. Print. â€Å"Society for Light Treatment & Biological Rhythms. † Society for Light Treatment & Biological Rhythms. N. p. , n. d. Web. 17 May 2010. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Rich Brother by Tobias Wolff

February10, 2010 Learning can be accomplished By Writing What is good writing and how might we identify or create it? You may ask. Good writing is a clear analysis of one’s ideas. It is organized and grammatically correct. It’s not only clear, but intriguing and also keeps the reader entertained, or if needs be to inform them. To expound, according to our discussion â€Å"Good writing is an organized analysis with a clear purpose or point that works to create understanding. It is done by using the rules of language to analyze or make an analysis of that point. Analysis is a form of literacy criticism in which the structure of a piece of writing is made clear. To deliberate in details, to analyze, is to ask what something means. It is to ask how something does what it does, or why it is what it is. Analysis is used in everyday life, at school, work and play. Good writing is created when one develops a main thesis or purpose. A thesis is the writer main point or gist that he wants to get actress to the reader. After, the thesis, questions are asked. Which by doing do analysis takes place? Then new and old information is entwined together o form the body of the paper or article. Do not forget that it must be grammatically correct and have a conclusion. A conclusion is basically a condensed version of the entire paper. By writing, whether it is good or bad, learning takes place. To create good writing, one must have a thesis or by gaining the main idea, then analyzing it by asking questions. For students in a writing class, though, the creative juices typically flow better when immersed in a more energetic setting. Discussions take and interaction between teacher and student is seen. Communication takes place, where the student is no longer afraid to ask questions. And if, they do ask questions it is not† how long should the paper be? † As stated by Wesch â€Å"My classroom looks less and less like a classroom and teaching is less and less like teaching†. (5)-Michael Wesch. This process therefore allows students to ask questions. Do not just ask questions but good questions. Questions are important to better ones learning because they open the gateway to our mind that has been closed or left dormant. To expound questions are the act of asking to gather new information to build on old knowledge. According to Wesch, â€Å"We are all cut out for learning. It is what makes us human. Wesch puts it perfectly that â€Å"Good questions are the driving force of critical and creative thinking, and therefore one of the best indicators of significant learning. Good questions are those that force challenge their own underlying biases. †(5)-Michael Wesch. When a question is asked an answer is not really necessary. Wesch states that â€Å"Oftentimes the answer to a good question is irrelevant – the question is an insight in itself. The only answer to the best question is another good question†. (5)-Michael Wesch. However, by asking questions one, gains new insight to add to the old knowledge as well as see the views of others. The students then will gather all the new information as well as their prior knowledge and use the rules of language to organize their thoughts according to the teacher’s rubrics. After which the paper is then developed. When the first draft of a paper is complete, a peer review is done. A peer review, evaluate professionally a colleague's work. This is to see any mistake the students may have done or any information that have been left out. Finally, seeing that all corrections are made, the prompt is answered and the rubric is followed, a final paper is accomplished. In conclusion in a writing class, learning can be achieved. By creating, communication between teacher and students. Learning takes place not only by writing of course but, by creating contextual conversations, by asking questions, in order to gain new information to add to old knowledge as well as understanding the information found.